General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase

Good to be sick....

<< < (2/3) > >>

I left the position of the glass... but fixed the rest ;-)

now... with phpeppershop :-)
if you are looking for a very good shop written in php get it at

the bad thing on it... its in german :-(


--- Quote from: burki on December 07, 2005, 05:49:05 PM ---now... with phpeppershop :-)
if you are looking for a very good shop written in php get it at

the bad thing on it... its in german :-(

--- End quote ---

Does it use a language file?

no it does not...
admin section is written in german :-(

This is the kind of web design I really, really like.  Simple, functional and elegant.  Very well done.  Also, you have made the shop very similar to the site as well, which is extremely important, and overlooked by almost everyone.

I laugh at the word "Gästebuch" every time I read it.  German and English are just similar enough to cause humor.  I wonder if the germans point at my pages and say "hahah!  It says 'guestbook'".


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