General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase - Katholic Youth Project
Check this out:
The colour is changing for every Page on the top navigation. All done in css. Personally I didn't like the yellow colour too much but my client wanted it like that. The rest is in my opinion really nice!
Like the site, looks very professional. Nice grafix!
color change on a per page base in css?
could you show me the trick?
The page cannot be viewed properly with the Safari browser. The text and images briefly come up and then go away again.
Hello Kusu,
I know, that's really strange. I used div overflow:auto. Actually Safari should know this! And the strangest thing is, that I use on my personal website also div overflow:auto. I friend of mine tested it under safari and it worked... So I got bored of finding the mistake! Site usage is now 97% IE!
I dont' pass the color to the site with php. I just made 7 templates. And as you know every site in WB can have its individual template :D
But actually the whole page is made with css.
--- Quote from: kusu on November 24, 2005, 05:38:34 AM ---The page cannot be viewed properly with the Safari browser. The text and images briefly come up and then go away again.
--- End quote ---
Same happens in Konqueror (3.4.2).
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