WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Hi, please how i put the left menu in a frame?
First of all: I love WebsiteBaker. Thnak you!
I already search all forum for this question and I dont find any thing about this question
Well, Im using the SIMPLE template, but I cant put the LEFT menu in a frame or iframe.
When I put in a frame or iframe, the left menu do not apeears.
I have a 100 intens (pages) in left menu, and scrool down every time that a 99 page is clicked is bad...
Any help will be apreciated, thank you :)
edit css so the menu scrolls with the content or something. Dont use iframes / frames, they are outdated!
Bramus is right, but that many unordered items in a menu sounds like a really unfriendly menu anyway... Isn't it possible to group items so that you have parent and child items?
Thanks Bramus and Argos
I try to do some like this:
and live demo:
Im using WinLike:
But, thank you for you help :)
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