WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Border settings don't work properly in IE8


D. Peeters:
When I made a template for one of my clients offline (in HTML) everything worked fine, but when I changed the codes to PHP + WB there are some strange borders (only in IE8). Does anyone know how to fix this?
This is what it should look like / looks like in HTML
This it what it looks like in PHP

Please help!!  :| :| :| :|

It is impossible to answer this using screenshots.
There is something wrong in your css/html/template.

Without looking to the page (html/css) itself nobody can help you.
If that is not possible, you should use development tools (included in IE8) to see what is wrong.
Some tips in Dutch can be found here.


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