WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

hmm..something wrong with the logo


i added in the template a logo. <div style="margin-top: -3px;" class="logo"> <img src="banner.png"></div>
whatever seems to work just on the home page, after i click another page the image is not found.
i found that i have to upload the image on /pages folder to make it work on the second page. but wtf, i will have like 100 pages...its frustrating to upload the logo in every folder that will be created on page folder.
Another problem is modifying the news module. i have to go to settings make the required modifications and then click save to see what i did. and again and again , and again save  - re open . damn this is frustrating again (sry ab my english) but wb is not making my life too easier.
also if i try to modify the css of the news i have to do the same thing.
i have <td class="post-title"><a href="[LINK]">[TITLE]</a></td>
so if i use
.post-title a {
color: #000; /* guess what it doesnt work */

if i use:
.post-title a {
background: #000;  /* it does work */

i just hate when i see simple things not working.

When it comes to style little things wb seems to be a pain ...if someone could clear my mind why ...i will be very happy. if not i will go again to freaking cmsms even if i got sick of it!

The URLs are always set in relation to the location of the page on the filesystem of the server. Of cause it can not find the file because the way you implemented it, it is looked for in the same directory as the page.

Please read this Document here for further explanation:

All relevant imformation about templates are bundeled there.



you should link the URL to your template directory
create a "images" folder in your template directory (or if there is a images folder use this one) upload your logo there
use src="images/header.jpg"

other thing you could try is uploading your header image in your media folder
in your index.php you now use:
<img src="../../media/header.jpg">

in CSS:
the color attribute is for the TextColor
so if you add the line:
color: #000;
the color of the text will be black
background is used for backgrounds (no s***....)
you can add all sorts of info in the "background"
you can also use "background-color: #000;" witch only specifies the color ;)

**just typed everything without checking anything.. so if it isn't working properly, srry =D**


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