General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase
Marry X-mas site :-) (Personal Template)
I startet usin this WebsiteBaker cms a while ago, i made some templates already.
I wanna show you one i made yesteday.
It's a Christmas template -why? Cause i was bored, but it was fun building it actually. :-) - Removed cause of hackers visit on my server..
Hope you like it, els I have to show some other one I guess :-P
And Merry Christmas to you.
( Site is in danish, hope you don't mind that. And still missing some content, so just look at the design. Thx)
Looks very nice.
Thx alot :)
Nice layout!
But I was under the impression that Christmas was all about colors; green, red, white, candle-light yellow etc.
This looks to me like a Christmas in the fog :-D
i2Paq ; heh yea, i changed the test "ChristmaS" in the top to the domain name, so now it ain't that much x-mas anymore.. but still, the design reminds me of a joyfull xmas or some :P
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