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Post-it Template
Fresh and clean Template
Clean, colorfull and with two contentareas. Comes with with search and login.
Please test it and give me your comments.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Thanks for submitting the nice template. It also validates now in XHTML trans.
But there are several issues, I have to say.
1.) The CSS-files contain several errors (misspellings e.g. "heigh"). Also I don't know if the "@media print" in CSS is common? I would suggest using a "print.css" or similar and use that with an
<link href="print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" /> But perhaps such suggestions could start a webdesigner's battle... :evil:
2.) I don't really understand how you use editor.css and main.css. You do not have to embed editor.css in the index.php, it's "just" for the FCKeditor to define several items they look more in the WYSIWYG editor they look in frontend. In editor.css there are many HTML specificons / classes not really needed. Unfortunately it's not possible to just use the main.css as the only one, because there are some redeclarations, but also some designcritic elements in each of them but not in both.
3.) The "list-style-image" in ul is way too big (400px for each ul). That will explode every list. :wink:
4.) Well, it's nice you put screenshots in the .zip - but they make the .zip unnecessary "big" (I feel that, I haven't the fastest internet connection). The template guideline says one preview.jpg of 200x160px is enough.
So, before I can submit this template we should care about this issues. I just put here a template with a (quite) correct css-syntax of main/editor.css.
Yours Michael
PS: I know, you submitted some templates before, and I really like you are contributing them to the community! It's just the problem not many people submitted templates before, so we need some "routine", also we are planning to review all available ones some time, so it makes sense to reduce several problems to a minimum. :wink:
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
You're 100% right michael
i will check this und send the correct template back to you via the form.
Kind regards
Edit: a new zipfile is on the way...
Thanks for the finetunings. A few very little improvements I have done (e.g. that it's validating CSS).
Download here:
Yours Michael
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