General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase
New showcase website for WebsiteBaker developers
--- Quote from: VotreEspace on March 24, 2010, 06:23:12 PM ---a suggestion?
i've tried "highest ranking" filter and found that results aren't that right...
you should make the mysql request do a average like :
(SUM(`rank`) / COUNT(`nomber of vote`)) AS `average`
and ORDER BY `average` DESC, `rank DESC, `nomber of vote DESC.
just a suggestion ;)
--- End quote ---
I thought my:
SELECT ROUND(AVG(,1) rank, count(*) votes, m.* FROM mod_mywb_rank r left join mod_mywb m on = r.mywb_id WHERE `visible` = '1' group by `mywb_id` order by `rank` DESC, `votes` DESC
gave correct results.
What mistakes do you see in the results?
a 5 stars with 8 votes should be higher than a 5 stars with 1 vote
Well, the ranking is done with one decimal. The WB site ranking is 4.9 with 8 votes.
Since I cannot show 4.9 "Hats" it shows 5 "Hats".
I agree that it is a bit "unfair" that just one 5-stars vote will be higher than 4.9-stars with 500 votes.
Some kind of weighted ranking would be better, but I still have not found a good way to calculate such rating.
on designmoi i authorise only a 1 or 0 vote and accumulate
cruise director:
Great Site! Many thanks.
We just listed our first 2 WB sites.
We have quite a number of other websites that we are in the process of converting to WB.
Having used many other CMSs but we haven't found anything that comes close to WB.
We needed a CMS that anyone here at the office could use that was quick and very easy to understand. No real training necessary, which means we can concentrate on making $$$$.
In our opinion WB takes the cake!!!
The team at Designs by My Drunken Cat!!
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