General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase

New showcase website for WebsiteBaker developers

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if the admin is on another domain it's doomed ?
i've done a wb with admin at


--- Quote from: VotreEspace on March 14, 2010, 08:47:44 PM ---i've added some websites, hope you dont mind an erotic website in there...

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Not at all..

--- Quote from: crnogorac081 on March 14, 2010, 09:06:30 PM ---Just curious,
How can you check automaticly if site is WB or not ?

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Add some sites, and check your logs  :-)

--- Quote from: chio on March 14, 2010, 09:12:13 PM ---You have to submit the name of the admin-directory. Simple.

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--- Quote from: VotreEspace on March 14, 2010, 10:12:04 PM ---if the admin is on another domain it's doomed ?
i've done a wb with admin at

--- End quote ---
I can overrule the automatic check manually, so submit your site and follow the instructions if the check fails.  8-)
Never tried that myself, can you share the details somewhere? (other tread maybe)
For the rest, I did not see any checking problems on submitted sites yet.


Great idea Ruud, excellent! Will be submitting my wb sites shortly!

Just wondering - how does the filter work? Is this a wb mod?




--- Quote from: sparkdigital on March 19, 2010, 09:39:14 PM ---Just wondering - how does the filter work? Is this a wb mod?

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Actually the site runs on 3 specially created modules. The submit pages, the catalog and an admin tool for management.
Next a nice droplet to display the "submissions" counter on the homepage.

a suggestion?

i've tried "highest ranking" filter and found that results aren't that right...

you should make the mysql request do a average like :

(SUM(`rank`) / COUNT(`nomber of vote`)) AS `average`
and ORDER BY `average` DESC, `rank DESC, `nomber of vote DESC.

just a suggestion ;)


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