WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Cannot get new templates to work!

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I am very, very new to WebsiteBaker so I may be stating the obvious in a minute. If I do please be forgiving!

I just installed release 2.8.1 rev. 1287 of he CMS system. It Works just fine until I try to upload a new template.
I upload the new templates via the upload and install buttons in the add-ons menu. It says that the install went allright. I then activate the template.
When I then preview the site it is all white with the bits of text I added to the sections in mid air!
I tried it with several templates from several sources and ages. Some old and some very new.
All with the exact same result!
All the standard templates, like "Round" and "Simple" work as expected!

I re-installed  the site from scratch with the same results. I us "" to host the site.

phpMyAdmin 2.6.2
MySQL 4.1.15t
WB 2.8.1 rev. 1287

Maybe I am doing something terribly wrong? Or is the new version buggy?
Any help would be much appreciated.

With kind regards,


Are all the requirements for WB met?


    * At least 9 MB webspace (modules, media, templates need more)
    * PHP 4.4.9 or higher (5.2.x strongly recommend)
    * MySQL 3.2.3 or higher
    * PHP Safe Mode = off
    * Activated PHP Session Support

First thing you should try is to activate the WB error reporting. (admin -> instellingen -> geavanceerde opties -> PHP-foutmeldingsniveau: E_ALL)
If there is something wrong, you should see some errormessage telling the reason.

Hello oeh,

It looks like the requirements are met although i am not sure how to verify the Activate PHP Session Support setting.

Hello Ruud,

I activated the error reporting. Should I see errors in the "error" folder in my filestructure? or is there an interface for errors in WB I haven't found yet?

Thanks for your input!

You should see the errors (on screen) in your homepage.

If you give us a url, we could maybe see some more.


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