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New Baked Health Club Site

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Thank you everyone! - haha! - Thanks for the positive critiques.. The client actually suggested and INSISTED that a scrollbar be added to the 'what's new' section. I begged he reconsider..

I spent an extra day creating a news section that was hidden in the nav and fed through an iframe to achieve a scrollbar effect... probably an easier way.. but whatever.

My original concept designs were actually a lot less busy with NO SCROLL bar for any section.. i'm working on and trying to duplicate the background resolution issue (1920 x 1080px), but the client has already signed off on the design... with flash and scrollbars and all.

I don't mind the scrollbar, but I hate the backgrounds  :-) , otherwise it is a nice looking site!

Careful what you say about clients, the links you have created to the site can easily be traced back to here through inbound link checkers.  :-)


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