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Vossenveld website

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For a campsite i made a new website. The design has a lot of rounded corners and the menu was pretty hard. Thanks to Argos we fixed the menu as made in the design.

I would like to hear some comments. The site has some functionality, newsletter module, shadowbox image gallery's (2 times), visitors can upload their own images and after a Go they are put online by the campsite owners, guestbook with activation of messages and a contact page.

Also the "Gezocht" field is done by the  backend, with a mysql query the data is picked up and retrieved into this div. If some one wants the code to put in the template feel free to contact me, it is just a MySQL query build up.

You can check out the site here:

It could be possible you will see some old site, then the DNS isnt updated yet, check back a later time, domain just got moved to a new registrar (myself)


Well baked! The combination of the template and services matches perfectly. A joy to watch and read as a visitor.

Small minor.....VERY minor things:

Contact form:
- change the font in the textarea field (is mostly overlooked)
- I would prefer to place the * (asterix) before the word. Then the words are vertically more lined up.

Simply outstanding! :-D :-D

- change the font in the textarea field (is mostly overlooked)
- I would prefer to place the * (asterix) before the word. Then the words are vertically more lined up.
- Vertical line-up is aligned to the left; the contactform is aligned to the right

What I miss:
- sitemap (in the footer e.g.)

Overall this is very well done. Great project.


Thanks for the comments Boudi, havent thought about the line up in the guestbook and contact form, will change this so it looks a bit more professional.

A sitemap is indeed missing, but i dont know what the customer thinks about this. In the design we made a link for it in the bottom yellow block,  but didnt do this in the site. Maybe i will discuss this with the customer and still make it.

Changed some of the points :) Thanks!

Yup, the input field of the text area. This is standard missing in the css style of the mod. That's why it's mostly overlooked :)

A reason for a sitemap is for better SEO results. May be a good point towards the customer?


The site is very nice, I also like the menu  :-D

What jumped into my eyes in first look is the logo at the very top of the page, the green border around orange one is not sharped.. it looks to me like it was resized a bit from original..

Also, are the images resized, as it looks to me that they are not sharp.. also it seems that as they are not sharped (to me), is that they look like thumbs, and that you can click on them to enlarge.. You could also consider that (with some lightbox script..)

all best,


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