WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Argos theme
If you give the setting_name and setting_value in the CSS file a percentage value, it will be fixed.
Better check out the newest version, because some problems with validation were eliminated.
The IE8 error is fixed in the new version. You can try either Dietmars solution (I did something else, with the same effect) or switch to compatible mode in the mean time.
Houston, we have a problem!
I finished the Settings section, and it looks good for now. However, the very last bit in the Mailer Settings (the SMTP stuff) causes problems. The old style javascript there conflicts with the jQuery. Due to that a lot of menu selections in the complete Settings menu, don't show the right values anymore, but error warnings. See the screenshot. If I remove the old javascript, the complete Settings works fine fine again (apart from the very last Mailer settings bit).
The problem for me is that I'm not good enough to restyle the old style javascript into compatible jQuery. Simple hide/show stuff I can do, but that part is a bit more complex, because it shows/hides content based on user choices, and also stores values at the same time. That's over my head.... I need a helping hand here. Who is able and prepared to have a go at it?
You can check what happens if you open the settings.htt file, and look for the DIV <div class="settings_table2 showhide"> that begins at line 608. If you remove that DIV, the Settings section menus work fine, but with the DIV added you will see many menus don't show their values anymore.
[theme removed to prevent people actually using it]
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
Now i could unzip, But i have to post it here, be carefull do use this wonderfull styled theme. Settings not working (Javascript errors), footertext not correct, something we fixed is buggy again, no validate code. Sorry Jurgen, but i think we have to talk per mail to fix the issues. I don't want to discuss here in the forum.
Only the users have to know, that new argos_theme will not be added to the actuell release.
Okay, I used RC2 to work on. I did some minor changes to / admin / pages / settings.php and the Dutch language file as well. Maybe that causes errors in your site. Let's discuss it further privately. I'll remove the theme from the post.
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