WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Argos theme

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--- Quote from: Argos on January 22, 2010, 05:33:24 PM ---Stefek,

I have absolutely no problem with you or others making backend themes, on the contrary. I look forward to your version once you have found the time to finish it. Contributing to WB has nothing to do with battles whatsoever  :-D

I would love to see my theme become the default, but that's not my intention.

I'm reworking the Settings section from tables to DIV's now. Almost finished. Much cleaner and better!

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Sounds great Jurgen.

Good Luck with it.

I really wished I had the time, but unfortunatly (or luckily) I have a lot of things to do customer wise.

I like the special functions of your theme and it would be a great Idea to have ONE standard Backend theme delivered/shiped with WebsiteBaker.
Why not yours?
At this time you are making the most on this and I think it where a good thing (also for core devs) to concentrate on ONE theme.

This scenario with "updating all three themes every time something changed in the admin directory" is exactly what I was saying one year ago. But no one listened to a designer *L*

--- Quote --- But if the developers like to have my theme as a basis for a new default one, I'll be more than glad to give it a more "WB compliant" design in new versions. But that won't be for WB2.8.1 I'm afraid.
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This is a good Idea.

Best thing would be to finally get rid of three shipped Themes along with WB.
It costs too much time in developement in apdating them all again and again.

Kind Regards,


I agree completely  :-D


--- Quote from: Argos ---But the regular admin themes need JS as well. For exampe the old style Basic/Advance switch also needs JS, and so does the page tree opening/closing
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Uups, thought this also worked without JS disabled. However, jQuery is very powerfull in introducing additional functionallity only if JS is enabled.

Regarding the themes. Yes I think one "finally worked out" backend theme would be enough to ship with WB, other themes should be available for download as normal templates once the "technical things behind" are sorted out and guidelines are established for creating themes.

As long as the Argos theme is part of the WB installation package and/or can be downloaded for free seperatly, I donĀ“t care too much :wink:



--- Quote from: doc on January 22, 2010, 06:30:45 PM ---Regarding the themes. Yes I think one "finally worked out" backend theme would be enough to ship with WB, other themes should be available for download as normal templates once the "technical things behind" are sorted out and guidelines are established for creating themes.

--- End quote ---

I agree.

I think its important to have one working Theme which is easy to customize with a minimum of effort.
I also think that at the moment 3 shipped Themes pull to much attantion - attantion needed to make one really working an represenative Backend Theme.
I hope the devs (allthough this has more to do with marketing then with core) get this point, stop shipping three Themes and concentrate on one stable, working solution instead.
For this purpose there should /or could/ be started a own sub dev team, dedicated completely to the Usability and Workability of the Backend Theme (with some help core wise to figure out the core things needed to synchronise with the Themes).
Such a Sub Team would also be able to make guidelines (and recomendations) for use with Modules (Backend Templates for the modules).

If you get me right, you'll soon see how important this could be for a appropriate Marketing of WB and its Modules.
One important part of Marketing has to do with making a good product visible and real.
We should concentrate on the reality of 2010 and stop shipping 2004 Themes with this wonderfull product.

Such a Board (sub team) was a dream of mine about a year ago.
And I still find that this is one of the most important (and most neglected) things in order to rise websitebakers Quality (and beyond).

This is something where the dev team shouldn't be involved to much into.
The Dev Team doesn't "sell" the product, has no need to do so.
Only if new Features needs to be integrated into the backend, they would work along with the Theme Board to get it implemented. It should be handled as a separated activity but with help in both directions.


please have a look at options with ie8

[gelöscht durch Administrator]


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