WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
show title of a hidden menu
I have some pages set as hidden, not to be accessible from dynamic menu.
This goes for example to sitemap, news section etc.
I want to use root menu titles as a headers in page conent. For visible public pages I use
--- Code: ---show_menu2(1, SM2_ROOT, SM2_CURRTREE, SM2_CRUMB,'','','','','[menu_title]')
--- End code ---
But I have no idea how to extract menu titles of hidden pages :/
I'm not even sure if show_menu2 can be forced, to show hidden entries.
I found in help a function named get_menu_title(), but I don't know which constant should I use - while calling this function - to make it working. I've tried to use page number, but it didn't work.
Somebody asked for same thing in this topic,741.msg4544/topicseen.html , but didn't get a working solution.
If you know a solution, which has to be working alongside with show_menu2 , or replacing it completely, I'd be glad to see it.
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