WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
re-design templates
Just start with a first step - replace page logo or background or something. Which template do you use?
CSS Tutorial (German):
CSS Tutorial (English):
thanks 4 the reply and the link
I'm readin up on HTML /CSS.
I figured out logo postion. . . so i'm slowly going at it .
i had to download a free visual CSS editor- and a free HTML editor - - notepad was drivin me nuts (like d matrix)
Any newbies like me may consider gettin these to help view code in pleb mode..
I'm afraid you've got a lot to learn if you want to edit templates but don't know much about HTML/CSS yet... As a non-webdesigner you've got 3 options:
1. use a free template as it is, and try to make basic modifications yourself. But beware: things that may look simple or difficult, may be just the other way around and often minor changes have multiple effects on the rest of the design. But hang in there: if you try and learn, sooner or later you'll understand things bit by bit.
2. hire someone to create the template or site you want, and just use the backend to create your site.
3. leave WB and use some online CMS targeted at people that don't want to do anything "technical", so an online site builder.
Argos: how about using a wysiwyg html editor for a non technical person ?
I know that code is mostly a complete disaster, but the final visual result may become satisfying for the owner.
Rest is just putting snippets inside the code - using wysiwyg editor it shouldn't be a problem.
I don't know novadays editors despite dreamveawer and hated frontpage, as I'm coding everything in plain text.
You should not think that tools like Dreamweaver are suited for people without knowledge of HTML and CSS. They are very powerful tools, and can be rather complex. They are very helpful too, but you have to put time and effort in learning HTML. You will not be able to create a site in Dreamweaver or any other editor, if you don't know how to do HTML/CSS.
Also be aware that most designs are typically made out of DIV's instead of old fashioned TABLE's, so you won't see what you get in a tool either. Only after you upload to a webserver you will see how it looks.
There is simply no way of editing/producing HTML/CSS without understanding what you do. You must either learn, or quit thinking you can edit templates yourself.
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