WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
shared content between 2 menus
I'm wondering if it is possible to share content between two separated menus.
What I'd like to do:
1st menu would contain links to all created pages.
2nd menu should contain couple links to created pages (shown in 1st menu), and links to other content, not available in 1st menu.
While second thing is obvious, first goal isn't :/
I'm unable to create menu links with identical menu titles as in 1st menu.
Secondly I'm wondering why added menu links are creating a new page and use redirection to other content?
This makes no sense to me :/
Is there a way to link to same website pages from other menus without redirection, and use the same menu title ?
Similar to using 2 times the same anchor
--- Code: --- <a href="samepage.html>sametitle</a>
--- End code ---
couple times in different menus.
One of the limitations of WB is that a page (or a Menu Link) can only be linked to 1 menu. So linking pages to multiple menus is just not possible.
However, you can use 1 menu and several menu calls, as you know by now. Every menu call can be quite comples and I'm pretty sure you can achieve what you wnt with some menu coding. Didn't the info given in your other thread get you there?
--- Quote from: Argos on January 18, 2010, 03:00:19 PM ---One of the limitations of WB is that a page (or a Menu Link) can only be linked to 1 menu. So linking pages to multiple menus is just not possible.
--- End quote ---
This answers my whole question. But..
--- Quote from: Argos on January 18, 2010, 03:00:19 PM ---However, you can use 1 menu and several menu calls, as you know by now. Every menu call can be quite comples and I'm pretty sure you can achieve what you wnt with some menu coding. Didn't the info given in your other thread get you there?
--- End quote ---
Complexity of show_menu2 surpasses me.
Tbh I almost accidentally found a way to extract page titles, but only from visible.
Adding to this conditionals is like trying to launch a space rocket for me ;)
After all I went with easy mode and created a static menu + droplet to edit it in a wysiwyg window.
I know that it doesn't satisfy me in 100%, but as for now my skills in WB are still too low, and its documentation is too laconic to me. I always need examples to base on.
But that's offtoping ;)
Yeah, menu2 is powerful but potentially rather complex stuff, especially for beginners and people without coding background. Most of the times I need quite some time, effort, looking at examples and pure trial & error to get complex jobs done. The funny thing is that I sometimes think I understand how it works (I mean real insight), but the following day I will struggle again with it... :cry:
But sometimes you just need to take the easy way, and do it static, instead of banging your head against the wall trying to do it all with menu2 :wink:
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