WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
[solved] every page containing its own submenu
The problem seems simple, but I have no idea how to bite it, as I have problems with show_menu syntax.
I want to have a top menu bar, and a submenu placed on left side.
The content of submenu should depend on actual page visitor is actually browsing.
For example top menu bar would contain: home | about me | contact
Every page from top menu bar, should have its own individual submenu (let's say links to couple pages in it), being shown on its parent page and its subpages.
The only solution I imagine, is to create a template for every page shown in top menu bar, and a submenu corresponding to it. But that solution isn't elegant and flexible :\
I don't know if I should add every submenu in info.php as a new entry $menu[number]
I don't know if I is possible to achieve what I want using default website baker with multiple menus turned on.
Or is it only achievable using show_menu2 addon ?
If there's a thread threating about identical question, please point me to it, as I'm unable to find it using search.
Any clue and solution will be very appreciated.
If I understand you well, you should have 2 menus (both declared in the info.php and called in the index.php). And then show the menus using showmenu2. Try this, I copied it from a site I built, that does about the same you want I think:
Main menu:
--- Code: ---<?php show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT, SM2_START+N, false, false, "\n</li>", false, false, false, '<ul id="" class="">'); ?>
--- End code ---
--- Code: --- <?php show_menu2(1,SM2_ROOT+1,SM2_CURR+2,SM2_ALL|SM2_CURRTREE); ?>
--- End code ---
Didn't test it, let me know how it works.
K, I understood the thingy with show_menu2();.
I don't need to define 2 menus inside info.php
I just have to base on 1 menu, and play with formatting it.
So, the first menu code you provided contains semantics I was looking for.
Version I used:
--- Code: ---<?php show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT, SM2_START, false, false, "</li>\n", "<ul class=\"topmenu\"> \n", '</ul>', false, false); ?>
--- End code ---
To have submenu which depend on top menu content, it's only a matter of displaying child entries.
And it goes like this:
--- Code: ---<?php show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_CURR+1); ?>
--- End code ---
It's called childsib menu, and it may be styled of course, like above one.
1 more thingy I'd like to ask.
I'd like to create a menu inside footer, which would contain couple elements from top menu + additional ones.
Any suggestions ? I don't know If I should play with adding menu link in pages administration.
edit: where are my manners ? :/
Thanks Argos for help.
You're welcome :-D
I'm glad you have sorted it out, you are right, it's not neccessary to have 2 menus. I took it from a site that had a somewhat different approach, but roughly similar.
I would just use static links in the footer if I were you. The footer normally contains links that don't change that much. You can use the footer field in the admin to control it, and call it in the index.php with the footer tag.
I moved second problem to new thread.
I know I could use footer option and ... solve the problem partially by creating static menu and linking to website's content.
But person which will add content has no idea about html.
So I have to go hard way.
Personally I'm not satisfied with WB.
Things which should be a part of basic functionality aren't implemented.
I have to combine with everything, and the output I get isn't the one I was expecting.
Even section picker doesn't like me, and works only on its own subpage, if its visibility is turned on of course.
Or maybe I have just bad approach to lightweight community developed cmses, and expect too much from them ? :\
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