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I used a spider tool to find ALL relevant words on the site. unfortunately some of them are not really "search words", as "besonders" ("specially") and so on. So the client has to delete these words; its a simple text file.

On another site I combined all search strings from Google Analytics with menue-items. This isnt for search sugesstions, but for "Jump To"-Links.

Could you post an example code pls.

Sorry, this isnt a "out of the box" solution, there are some changes needed in the Template, 2 (not very beautyful) modules, changes in search, MyPHPAdmin.....)

Its still in development


Could you just tell me how the links looks like? I have autosugestion in my PM module, but it only fills in the form when you click on it..

In this case I use:

--- Code: ---..(loop)
//$rawword = Plain word in List
$htmlword = htmlentities($rawword);
$result = utf8_encode($rawword);
$ergtext .= '<li><a href="'.WB_URL.'/search/index.php?string='.$result.'">'.$htmlword.'</a></li>

--- End code ---

On another site I use searchstring OR page_id in a db-table. I use a script that either redirects to search (with the string)  OR the given page.

Its a litte bit difficult for me, to say those things in english...


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