WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

How to edit/modify 'right' color boxes in multiflex-3?

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I answer myself here - yes, a "menuitem" is a "menu link". The suggestion solution works extremely well.

no and yes.... it's equal what pagetyp you choose - it's just the parent page of the "sub" hidden pages with the content for your global blocks!

fine if it work good for you!

if you've get expired you could try this more advanced solution that let you choose a "standard" content and if you want to have on some pages different contents only make a section and change the block to this one.... the standard content goes away for special content on this page....this code is in EN,2154.msg79480.html#msg79480

regards martin


--- Quote from: Waldschwein on January 12, 2010, 10:51:46 PM ---

Yours Michael

--- End quote ---

BTW, this link is broken, here is the new one:


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