WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Menu help


I have been fighting this for the last 8.5 hours. maybe ive spent too much time on it and its just frustration.  Let me explain. I am putting together a new website and i have my template just about setup. I am having trouble on the menu using css.

Temp link is

If you take a look at the left top menu you can click on about us, after doing so you will see the test 1 and test 2 links add under the about us. this is what i want however, If you look at the left bottom menu and click services 1, you will see a sub service 1, and clicking on that will bring you to sub service a.

What i am trying to do is get the top menu to function like the lower menu without the ul and list bullets. So basically, any child page has say a 5px spacing on the left from whatever its parent page is.

Any help is greatly appreciated

Sorry I can't help you, I've never used a menu like that that goes more than one level deep.

Can I suggest you replace the scrolling header on your test page, it seriously made me nauseous while I was trying to look at your menu structure! (Not trying to be rude, just telling you what effect it had on me) Sorry I can't help.


maybe useful to get the right CSS rules...

for working with SM2 you only must change the selectors from the listamatic example to the selectors that comes with ShowMenu2!

and examples from the SM2 autors page:

compare the CSS of your (i think default use showmenu2();??) with the CSS of one of the listamatic examples to get forward.

good luck and a happy new year!



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