WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Editing and Location of HTML/CSS Source

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What is "incredible" is the lack of respect you show to someone who posted for the first time in the Help section intended for beginners. If the questions seem to you naive (as they may be), just ignore them. Answer only the questions that you find worthy of your 'expertise,' and please don't respond to this post.

Guys, please settle down.

1) @Maverik: You could have posted the deeplink into the template section of the helpsite

2) @port_user: You should have given us the courtesy of checking the help pages. There you would have found the section about templates:




jetzt kann ich nur noch auf deutsch


sorry aber das ist nicht dein ernst. ich habe bewußt den link aufs help projekt gesetzt weil es hier an grundsätzlichen basics fehlt und man sich überhaupt mal ins thema einlesen sollte. du entschuldigst dich quasi und verbesserst mich. das bei einem neuen user der hier auftritt wie graf schnösel und ein verhalten an den tag legt wo er im normalen leben sofort des raumes verwiesen würde. hallo?

was soll das? wovor hast du angst? der thread gehörte längst geschlossen und der user verwarnt.

ich glaube ich brauch ne längere wb pause...keine worte mehr.

Yeah, I think newbies should be entitled to as at least 10 questions before the forums starts patronising them <g> (I think some of the posters here are just trying to get their reply count up)

As a fellow newbie I'll try and give you my understanding of how it works, but eventually you'll have to dig into the docs as others have suggested.

Content management systems like WB don't create HTML pages, they use php pages and code to get the html from a database and then display that "dynamically".

What I have done to check out the html and css in a WB page is to open the page in a browser and save as HTML. This will create the html page and save the css file for you - you might have to download some additional images from the site for the saved page to display correctly locally. Then you'll be able to see the html, and css, and edit the css appropriately.

The actual css file that is used by WB is saved in a folder on your website called ...

website URL/templates/the name of the template/ might, or might not be able to edit this file directly since WB can make some files and folders "read-only" when a template is uploaded.

@ maverik: please use English in the English forums, thank you.


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