WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
automatically change the templates css on a specified date
I want to automatically change the css code for a website on for instance x mas, new years day, easter, etc
I found this but I would really like it if I can specify a day of the month, I presume it is quite simple but I am way to dumb ...
--- Code: --- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css" id="siteCSS"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Get current month
var currDate=new Date();
var currMonth = currDate.getDate();
// Month returned by getDate() is 0 to 11 so add 1
currMonth = parseInt(currMonth) + 1;
// Based on month assign style sheet name
var newCSS = "default.css";
if (currMonth >= 1) newCSS = "winter.css"; // Month is January or greater
if (currMonth >= 3) newCSS = 'spring.css'; // Month is March or greater
if (currMonth >= 6) newCSS = 'summer.css'; // Month is June or greater
if (currMonth >= 9) newCSS = 'fall.css'; // Month is September or greater
if (currMonth = 12) newCSS = 'winter.css'; // Month is December
// Assign new style sheet name as the new href for "siteCSS" LINK tag
document.getElementById('siteCSS').href = newCSS;
--- End code ---
hi snark....don't use JS if you can use PHP :wink:
i would it try like this:
--- Code: ---<?php //colour your life
if ((date('m') == 12) || ((date('m') == 1) && (date('d') < 7))) {
echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="winter.css" id="siteCSS"/>';
eche ' <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="default.css" id="siteCSS"/>';
--- End code ---
or make it with a switch call for all four seasons...
dont' tested...
regards martin
ahhh thank you very much nr fan
this was exactly the anwser I was hoping for, for everyone that needs more options...
--- Code: ---<?php
if ((date('m') == 12) && (date('d') > 4) || ((date('m') == 12) && (date('d') < 6))) {
echo 'sinterklaas';
}else if ((date('m') == 12) && (date('d') > 25 || ((date('m') == 1) && (date('d') < 28))) {
echo 'kerst';
echo 'geen sinterklaas, geen kerst';
--- End code ---
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