WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Template Mutlitplex: how to display the news on the right and not in the center?
hi, with the template "Multiplex", how can I display the news content not in the main section but in the right column in the right margin?
For instance:
News 1: (short description)
News 2
News n
Who can help me please?
--- Quote from: midiweb on December 11, 2009, 11:29:24 PM ---hi, with the template "Multiplex", how can I display the news content not in the main section but in the right column in the right margin?
For instance:
News 1: (short description)
News 2
News n
--- End quote ---
If you want to show the complete news there, you should use a content block and put the news module in that.
If you want to show only the headlines there, you should use the AnyNews function (
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