WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
[New template] Mambo Portal 2
Ok, here is my new coded template: Mambo Portal 2.
I just looked a bit closer to the code of the yet Mamboportal here and well... I wasn't that satisfied.
There's quite strange code in it, and the main feature of this portal doesn't work - the seven different color schemes.
Ok, it wasn't that easy to get the color schemes working - because they are CSS files, and only half of the style was in the CSS - the other is in the tables.
So I rewrote the whole template, getting rid of tables and all style definitions in the index.php, try to get the design completly CSS defined.
It isn't that easy, there are yet some errors, and it only looks good in IE8 / Firefox3.5 / Opera 10 / Safari. In IE7 and lower it's quite messed up.
Also the template has to be as flexible as possible - So there's no way of creating "fixed" widths and heights.
I just haven't seen any sense in the Netscape- Javascript - so such things are removed.
The main problem: Does somebody know, how to tell the main-shadows they really go down to the footer?
I don't want to release it yet in this "Alpha" status, so just look here:
It would be good if you have some improvements and help me to hunt the bugs down...
Yours Michael
--- Quote from: Waldschwein on December 09, 2009, 03:02:59 PM ---
The main problem: Does somebody know, how to tell the main-shadows they really go down to the footer?
--- End quote ---
I'd wouldn't know how to so lve this onin your current approach, Michael. I would try this:
Remove classes main_shadowl and main_shadowr, and add to #main:
--- Code: ---background: url(main_bg.jpg) repeat y;
--- End code ---
and put the atached image in your template file. Not tested.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
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