WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

[wblinkXX] to my template


I have small problem.
I have a site which has lots of links to website baker pages. And many links are outside WebsiteBaker content -area.
Is it possible to [wblink-page-id] style link added to my tempalte file.
example: <a href="[wblink3]">My Link</a>
Note. This link is not a WYSIWYG editor page. This link are my template footer.   :-)

It is possibel to do in a inofficial way.

You must buffer your footer and do a extra parsing

--- Code: ---<?php
place here all your HTML and PHP of your footer (including your [wblinkxxx] parts)
  $output = ob_get_contents();
  echo $output;

--- End code ---
I've not testet yet... but it should work. (without any guaranty) 8-)

WOOW!  :-D
This works very vell.
Thank you very much!   :-D



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