WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
[SOLVED] - Multilingual website with show_menu2() - Kirk's solution not working
I tried to follow Kirk's thread here below, but it did not work.,13577.0.html
my site structure:
- EN (Main navigation root level) (rem: menu link to HOME)
- - HOME (Main navigation level1 subpage of EN)
- - - WEB DESIGN (Main navigation level 2 subpage of HOME)
- - - PORTFOLIO (Main navigation level 2 subpage of HOME)
- - - PROFILE (Main navigation level 2 subpage of HOME)
- - - CONTACT (Main navigation level 2 subpage of HOME)
- DE (Main navigation root level)
- - STARTSEITE (Main navigation level 1 subpage of DE)
- - - WEB DESIGN (Main navigation level 2 subpage of STARTSEITE)
- - - REFERENZEN (Main navigation level 2 subpage of STARTSEITE)
- - - PROFIL (Main navigation level 2 subpage of STARTSEITE)
- - - KONTAKT (Main navigation level 2 subpage of STARTSEITE)
- FR (Main navigation root level)
- - PAGE D'ACCUEIL (Main navigation level 1 subpage of FR)
- - - WEB DESIGN (Main navigation level 2 subpage of PAGE D'ACCUEIL)
- - - PORTFOLIO (Main navigation level 2 subpage of PAGE D'ACCUEIL)
- - - PROFIL (Main navigation level 2 subpage of PAGE D'ACCUEIL)
- - - CONTACT (Main navigation level 2 subpage of PAGE D'ACCUEIL)
Which parameters should I use in show_menu2(x,y,z, ...) ?
Right now, I have
--- Code: ---<?php show_menu2(2, SM2_ROOT, SM2_START); ?>
--- End code ---
You'll find a screenshot of the unsuccessful menu in the attachment.
Thanks in advance,
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
sm_root+1. It has to be qual to show_menu(1,0,1,). Please look also in thze show_menu2 Doku.
CU Moritz
so i have to replace SM2_ROOT by sm_root+1 in <?php show_menu2(2, SM2_ROOT, SM2_START); ?> ?
I don't understand what you mean when you write:
" It has to be qual to show_menu(1,0,1,). " ?
Thanks very much,
I vaguely remember having to insert a page with no second level at the end of the menu structure of that template (it is Multiflex 3, right?) to ensure your drop-down menus work correctly.
To get a better picture, you will find in the attachment the index.txt file (equivalent to index.php)
Once again, I need to correct the two following menus:
<!-- Navigation Level 1 -->
<div class="nav1">
<?php show_menu2(2, SM2_ROOT, SM2_START); ?>
<!-- Breadcrumbs -->
<div class="header-breadcrumbs">
<?php show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT, SM2_CURR, SM2_CRUMB, '<li>[a][menu_title]</a></li>','','[if(level>0{}[if(level==0){<ul>}]','');?>
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
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