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new template

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my first attempt at a wb template.  simple and clean.  hope someone can use it.  if i made this one correctly, a few more to come...

maybe a demo link?

this link is to the original template, i link to wb installation with this template is intresting  :-)

i had a short look at your template and found some mistakes why the template can´t work at wb, wrong css file names  and wrong path to css files at index.php  at first

sorry english is not my language

greets maverik

sorry it can´t work but my english is not good enough to explain all your mistakes

in info.php is no second block defined but you call

--- Code: ---<?php page_content2(); ?>
--- End code ---

your menu call is

--- Code: ---<?php show_menu(); ?>
--- End code ---

that works but the actual call is show_menu2, you call the whole menu in the header menu, what happend if there is a submenu from subpages?

please make a own install of the template and have a look what happens and when ist works them post a link  :-)

sorry but i think you have never testet it at a wb installation

yea, i don't have time to test it at the moment.  i'll try to test it later when i have more time.  i appreciate your feedback and all the help! i'll try to upload a fixed one at some other time.  thanks for your help and time Maverik.


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