WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
New WB Template: DanFuh Business 01
Also Daniel,
ich kenne dich zwar nicht persönlich, aber deine Auffassung eines "freien Templates" ist schon ein bischen merkwürdig, ebenso wie deine Ausführungen, daß du "Zeit in das Template gesteckt hast" und deine Ausführungen über "Webdesign Agencys " ...
In meinen Augen stellst du dich hier ganz klar in ein Eck in dem andere auch schon verzweifelt sind ...
Lehne dich also nochmal in deinem Stuhl zurück, denke nochmal in aller Ruhe darüber nach, und wenn du möchtest, teile uns dann mit unter welcher Lizenz dein Template steht.
Grüßle Bernd
What is the problem? Danfuh made the template and he can also make the terms of use. A lot of templates have similar terms.
If you cant live with the link, dont use the template. its simple.
I agree on that. Nothing wrong there.
I just noted that with restrictions like these it cannot be used, not even for a free website I am sponsoring.
The response that I should not deserve the name "Webdesign agency" is what I strongly reject.
Someone who has filled his company website with a free CMS and free modules made by others who gave their work to the community for free should not say something like that.
--- Quote from: chio on December 02, 2009, 08:44:12 AM ---What is the problem? Danfuh made the template and he can also make the terms of use. A lot of templates have similar terms.
If you cant live with the link, dont use the template. its simple.
--- End quote ---
True, but I think the whole concept of demanding a link back is silly. Most users will remove it without permission, or will just not use the template. Nothing gained there. Why would anyone give away something under conditions that will prohibit its use? And what's the point of a link back anyway? Incoming traffic from amateur sites?
Asking to kindly not remove copyright info in the html code is the only sensible thing to do in my opinion.
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