WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

New WB Template: DanFuh Business 01

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Yes, it's great, although I have 2 remarks:
1. I don't like the big ASCII art stuff and German info in the files (minor remark, as you won't see it on the front end)
2. I wished it didn't have the license restriction to show all that copyright stuff in the footer, but it would be just a free restrictionless template. So, my question is: what to do to be allowed to get rid of he copyright stuff? I cannot show other designers info in a client site I deliver.

The same for me...  :-(

I would like to use this for a site I am sponsoring.. (cannot spend too much time on developing a new template)
The license restrictions as they are right now makes it impossible to use it.


the intension to create this template was to show what ist possible.
I've spend many time for this Template an it is for free.
So I think it is O.K. to get something back. For me a Link is enough.
If someone needs a template for selling to a customer, this is the wrong template.

An other posibility would be to use all websites, built with this template in a reference list. Would this be O.K.? I do not think so!

I think if someone calls his company "webdesign agency", but needs free templates for the business, then he does not deserve that name.

Best Regards,


Ok, thats a clear statement.

I will not use your template. (even though I am not charging anything for the site in question)

I could start a discussion here about time and free stuff... but I will not do that either.

--- Quote from: danfuh on December 01, 2009, 11:40:25 PM ---I think if someone calls his company "webdesign agency", but needs free templates for the business, then he does not deserve that name.

--- End quote ---

I do think you should remove that last line in your message.
You are making a living with a company that is using a platform where other people have spend a lot of time to build and improve to what it is right now. If you do not feel any obligation to give something in return for free, you should really think hard if you should use the names you are using!

I agree completely with Ruud. It's a shame you want something back for a free template. Publishing a template for an open source cms with the restriction that it cannot be used by professional designers (no professional designer will put a link to another designer in its sites), is silly to put it mildly. Publishing a template because you want to show what's possible is equally silly.

In my opinion you should either give it away free without restriction, and/or offer a payed version for designers to be able to remove the link back and copyright stuff.


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