WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

New WB Template: DanFuh Business 01

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Hello WebsiteBaker's,

last weekend i've designed and created a new, clean and stylish business template for WB.
(attached as


The main menu is at the top, horizontal, and the submenu items are displayed in the sidebar.
The submenu is displayed only if there are subpages. Menu items are formatted until level 10.
Search and login in the sidebar will also be displayed only when their functionality is enabled in the settings.

In addition to a second menu at the bottom of the page, the template has seven additional blocks.

The template generates extremely clean and structured HTML and it is XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.1 valid.

The files are documented well.

In addition, all language-specific properties are available in english and german, depending on the selected language.

Would be grateful if you could take a look/review  at the template and possibly put it in the repository.


Update: A newer version is below.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]

hi, looks good. tested(without changes) on wb-portable and it works.  :-)


--- Code: ---Notice: Undefined variable: footerlink in...\wbdemo\templates\danfuh-business01\includes.php on line 267

Notice: Undefined index: page in ...\wbdemo\templates\danfuh-business01\index.php on line 18
--- End code ---


Hi Daniel,

I had a quick look at it, you've put a lot of effort in it!
It's beautifully coded, and has some nice features like putting the menus etc in the includes.php. Also the language variables are interesting. I think this is the first template that(almost) completely meets the template guidelines. There are many inspiring things in your coding that I can study on and learn from, so thank you for sharing!



Yes! A great template with a lot of features; very well done.

(und jetzt auf deutsch..)
Klasse gemacht! Kann man sich echt was abguggen. Ich habs natürlich gleich mal bei mir eingestellt, der Vorbildwirkung wegen. hier


Hm ... like to see some //new// ideas, e.g. handling empty meta-tags ... fine

As for the first warning - it's simple: remove the dot left from the equal in line 308 inside includes.php :

--- Code: ---<?php // not this line ...
$footerlink  = "\n        Design for ... [...]";

--- End code ---

The second one it's a little bit tricky at all; you will have to test for the key 'print' before
looking for the value ... to avoid brackets and unnessesary 'if-else-elseif' worms i would prefer something

--- Code: ---<?php // this also ...
$print_or_screen = (!array_key_exists(&#39;page&#39;, $_GET) || ($_GET[&#39;page&#39;]!=&#39;print&#39;)) ? &#39;print&#39; : &#39;screen&#39;;

--- End code ---

in line 8 of the index.php to get rid of it.

Kind regards


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