WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Upload a new template

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Hi boys!

Sorry for my english!

I've a new template that I designed and I'd like to share it with you in the repository.
I sent it to the moderator, as I read in the forum, but I did not have answer.

So, can I post the template here???
Can you verify if all is correct to put it in the repository?

Thank you!


simply post your template here and ask to review it. Before you do so, check if your template sticks to the template guidelines, which is prerequisite to get your template listed on the WB Template showcase.

Regards Doc

Ok, thank you doc!

You can see a thumbnail of the template here:

I think that it respect the rules of the can verify please.

The only reason cause I'm waiting for upload the final version is that I have a little problem with IE6: if you try to open it with that browser, there is a little part of the right column cutted.

Can you help me to resolve this problem?

PS Do not consider the other page of the site becouse I use it only for make try for the moment...

Sorry for my english!



check your template for HTML and CSS related errors.

If you have problems with IE6, try to check your page with If you found the bug (most likely CSS box bug), simply add some IE 6 related markup to your template index.php (or CSS) to fix it:

--- Code: ---<!--[if IE 6]>
IE6 stuff here.

--- End code ---


Uhm...I correct all errors, now the validation is ok!

But the problem with IE6 is the same...


Hi know the solution of the conditional comments, but in this case I don't know how to change it!


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