General Community > WebsiteBaker Website Showcase

finally - i did it

(1/3) > >>

with a lot of help from the forum :-D
(there is still a lot to due) but the template is almost finish!

(ubs.. i just need to put the link to website baker in also) then it´s finish  :-D


--- Quote from: babsy on September 19, 2005, 10:16:48 AM ---with a lot of help from the forum :-D
(there is still a lot to due) but the template is almost finish!
--- End quote ---

Looks great!

--- Quote ---(ubs.. i just need to put the link to website baker in also) then it´s finish  :-D

--- End quote ---

Shame on you!  :lol:

Looking good!

Tip, make a startpage (openingpage) without submenu items, that way you won't start with submenu's visible.


thanks... :-D

but an opening page, what exacly do you meen? i would love to avoid the submenu to be open!... but i´m not sure how you mean an openingpage?

try it with stefans improved menu in your template.

Look here or at his homepage.

You also can wait till 2.6.0 is released, the improved menu will be included in this release.

Have fun


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