WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Conflict template frontend CSS
Hi everyone,
I'm new to WB and not very proficient in php, Javascript etc. I'm using one of the templates of the WB website (Zenlike). The styles used for my website are declared in a CSS document named default.txt. I"m also using the news module to manage my posts. Under the tab 'settings' I can make amendments to the layout of my posts. Unfortunately, the formatting of list points as specified in my CSS document does not seem to apply to my posts (it works fine when I refer to the CSS document from a different block). I've found another button labelled 'Edit CSS' which seems to suggest that posts have their own CSS. Do I have to declare list points styles separately in this CSS? Any help is greatly appreciated...
Yes you have. Their are 2 diffrend Styles. One for the CMS and One called frontend.css. To change the style just hit edit css and change everything in this.
CU Moritz
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