WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Help to submit a new template


Hi boys, sorry for my english, I hope you understand me!
I'm working to finish my new first free template to submit in the Repository, I will use this topic to ask some help when I don't understand something in the Template Guidelines.

Let's start with the first doubt: at page 3 of the template guidelines, there is a list of obligatory and optional files.

In the option there is a "editor.css", but I never saw it.
What is? When I need to use it?

Thank you and see you later for the other questions...!

The editor.css is just a special file for the WYSIWYG in the backend. I even don't use them as well. So forget about that and keep looking on the Basic files.

Sry about my english. It is as worse as yours but I hope you understand me to.

CU Moritz

moritz is right,

the editor.css is taken by the fck-editor to show WYSIWYG in the backend while you editing with the css formats of the try to suppose "real" wysiwyg in the backend, too.  but the backend width is not always like in the frontend - so it only "try"..... :-D

regards martin


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