WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Animated menu?

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I looked at the source and the CSS and i thing it's pretty hard to use something like this with show_menu 1 or 2.
Only way i could figure out at the moment you wave to set staddy liks and under this include diffrend submenu blocks. If you linke I can help you setting up this, but there is another big Problem:

--- Code: ---Terms and Conditions

This menu can be used subject to the following terms and conditions.

   1. If you wish to use this menu in your website(s) please email me stu{at} seeking permission.
   2. You may NOT place this menu on another site for others to download.
   3. You may NOT redistrubute or resell this menu.
   4. Users agree not to remove or edit the credit notice within the stylesheet, or claim that this menu is their own.

--- End code ---
First of all you have to write to the owner and ask for permission. I don't help to steal source code.

CU Moritz

Thank you for help

I vould like this menu or something similar to this, to work normaly so that my costumer could change, edit or add new links through admin panel!
Is it even possible to do this?

If it can be done I will write to the owner for permissions.

Thanks  :wink:



This is site made with WB:

Take a look of menu on the left.. I think the name is accordion menu or something like that if I remember well..

It works with java and its easy to implement.. But I have no idea from where to download it..

Maybe an author of site could help you implement this menu..


It shout be possibel do do all this. But wait until tonight. I will try to bild a menu like this. Maybe there is a nice simpel way with show_menu2. I will see...

CU Moritz

Ok it is Possibel but not just with show_menu2. I testet the hole evening and I found just one posibility. You have to use 1 menu for every Main Navigation item. also there are no subpages allouwed. Than it works fine and almost like the one on the page you showed us. I'm going to ride to the "owner" if we are able to modify the script and use it. When I hear something I tell you.

CU Moritz

Ok i have the permission to use it but not to publish it. So everyone has to ask the owner for himself. At the moment I have an idear about useing the menu but will test it tomorrow. If you ask for permission I can give you the show_menu2 version if you like.


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