WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Upgraded from 2.7 to 2.8

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Unfortunately, I'm still lost. You're dealing w/a pretty much total phpmyadmin/php dummy here. I can edit stuff already in place if I know exactly where to find it in most cases.

I'm assuming by what you're saying that the prefix would be found in the "settings" table which I've been to several times, along with all the other tables.

I'm sorry to bug you but would it be possible to give me more specifics?


Ok, looks like I found it, changed it from default_theme to wb_theme and all that happened was that my error msg changed to:

Template Error: set_root: /var/www/vhosts/ is not a directory.

And I did not use caps in the change either, the system did that all by itself.



You're not looking for "prefix" anywhere.  The prefix is just part of the name of the settings table e.g. wb_settings (where wb is the prefix).

Inside that table there is a field default_template - that is what you need.

From memory, you get to that in phpmyadmin by clicking the table name on the left, then clicking the "Browse" tab at the top.  Find default_theme in the name column and change the value (in the value column) to wb_theme.  In the db I'm looking at it's setting_id #46.

Of course, wb_theme will only work if you still have wb_theme installed.



--- Quote from: Deb on November 09, 2009, 04:28:18 PM ---changed it from default_theme to wb_theme
--- End quote ---
No, that looks like you've changed the name of the field, rather than the value.  You need to change that back to default_theme and change (or enter) the value to wb_theme.

So where do I find the magic "value" number? It shows a value of 48 for default_theme.


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