WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Upgraded from 2.7 to 2.8

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I am having the same issue upgrading from 2.7 to 2.8. I checked in the Settings table and updated the default_theme with "wb_theme". That fixed the problem but everytime I "save" any changes in the Settings panel, the problem recurs and I have to login to the database and update the default_theme which gets reset to blank.

And a bit more information as I'm testing...
1) In Settings page, "Backend-Theme:" shows a blank field with no options to select.
2) If I click on Settings for an individual page, "Template:" shows System Default but no other options to select.

Thanks for any assistance.


Same problem here. If I do something in adminpage and save.... Can't get into backend again.  :?
I can find a lot of this problem in german language (maby solutions), but I don't understand german.

If someone has a fix for this please make a "howto" in english.

Best regards

I also find that upgrading from 2.7 to 2.8.1 breaks my installation.

The symptoms are the same; the default_theme named entry in the settings table ends up with a blank value whenever the admin interface is used to update settings. I obviously cannot roll this change out to my client as their installation would break any time they touched the settings page!

I have forcibly overwritten all files from the 2.8.1 tarball except config.php and the 'install' tree, which I deleted as instructed by the upgrade instructions. I made sure no instances of my site were open in browser tabs and cleared cache and cookies as instructed, then directly ran the upgrade script. This reported lots of green "OK" messages.

However, though the visual style on the login page appears to have changed slightly, the main administration interface looks the same. At the top right, it says:

--- Code: ---      Version 2.7
      Revision REVISION
--- End code ---

Clearly something is quite badly broken here. If I go the Settings tab and try to save changes, I get the usual "Settings saved successfully" message shown briefly before the template failure occurs. If I reset the template value at the MySQL console, I find that the settings do seem to have been updated, but obviously something is wrong as the theme value got trashed.

The MySQL server version is 5.0.18, protocol version 10, running on a Debian Linux derivative and contacted over a local Unix domain socket. I've tried repeating the entire upgrade process several times with no success on a mixture of Safari 4.0.5 and Firefox 3.6.3 on Mac OS X 10.6.3.

Any advice? Suggestions? Is there an official bug tracking this problem? Is there a patch I should try?

The client is awaiting an update so this is a rather critical failure for me and the lack of any further information or updates since the last post in this thread (January) is quite worrying. Many thanks in advance for any help forum members may be able to offer.

Running the install script should fix the issue. If not, you should let our developers know a bit more about the installation and the environment.




--- Quote ---Running the install script should fix the issue.
--- End quote ---

You mean by visiting "" and clicking on the "Install WebsiteBaker" button? Won't that trash the existing site? The page shown certainly hasn't picked up my existing database connection details, website title or anything else - it's basically a blank form.


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