WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Which WB 2.8 backend theme do you use?

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@ Stefek: Did you actually open a Ticket for that issue? If there is none, I would ask you to open one please.



PS: Got your Mail, didn't have time yet ... sorry


--- Quote from: kweitzel on September 17, 2009, 07:48:38 PM ---@ Stefek: Did you actually open a Ticket for that issue? If there is none, I would ask you to open one please.

--- End quote ---
Do you mean the point with the pagetree?
As far as I know this is a known issue.  :?

--- Quote ---PS: Got your Mail, didn't have time yet ... sorry

--- End quote ---
Thanks for letting me know.
Costs some 5 Minutes to get a first impression what it is about. Let me know if you've seen it. For the next 10 Days I am very busy. Maybe you'll find some time till then.


Argos. No doubt. I always wondered why the old 2.7 admin was so friggin' narrow. Editing pages is so much easier for the end-user as well in the Argos theme!

At the moment I'm useing wb_theme, classic and agro. I'm working on 3 sites at one time so it's easy to remember witch side I'm edditing. Was hard to get used to it but now it's perfekt. Don't want to miss that!!!!

CU Moritz

The Argos theme has the website title in the header, so you can use Argos for all sites  :-D


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