WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Which WB 2.8 backend theme do you use?

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I am just interested, which backend theme the people like and use in WB 2.8. 8-)

I personally use the argos_theme. It is quite different from the "old" (2.7 similar) wb_theme and the "very old" (2.0 - 2.6 similar) classic_theme, and the media plugins it has are quite useful I think.

And if you have another one, would be cool if you post it here what it looks like.

Regards Michael

I would upload my Backend Theme, but unfortunately there is one file which wasn't touched by the core team, so the skinability is not really fulfilled.
It is the "page tree".
So I am using a "hardcoded" pages/index.php file in order to fix my needs.

Once this part is skinable I will provide a full Backend Theme Package to the community.
In fact I have more than just one Theme.

I also like Argos Theme very much, because it is more comfortable in some areas. (I do not like the icons this theme is using very much though.)


argos_theme   :wink:


Well, of course I prefer Argos! It has features other default admin themes don't have. And besides: it looks so much better  :roll:

Hi Stefek, I look forward to your contributions. What don't you like about the icons? Are you refering to the small or the big ones? And do you use the latest WB2.8 version? Because that has different icons than all preceding versions.


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