WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Hunting for a template

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Nah. Too much work. I'll take a look at Microsoft's Publisher next and see if I can put a website together with that. My wife has a copy.

Failing that, I'll have another go with rvsitebuilder though I fear the templates are pretty horrible.

You would be better of with actually trying to learn a bit more of the technical aspects of building proper websites, instead of relying on instant website builders. They will probably all be disappointing as they never will be just what you are looking for. You will probably keep banging your head against the wall, unless you get more insight and working knowledge in webdesign.

I suspect you're probably right there.

I've just had a go with iWeb and it produced a very nice looking site that I could live with. I now have to work out how on earth to get my slideshows into it.

Well, here's the final result although I may well change the slideshows from Flash to Javascript purely because iPhones can't handle Flash.

[url removed by admin, not WB]

It looks better so.
But I don't see that this site was created in WB.
I can't locate the admin logon screen. I see no tracks in the template that looks like WB.
Did you change something in .htaccess?



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