WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Hunting for a template

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the menu items starts from left, so you must play a bit with width parameter for that box. Open css file, and find it :)


I played around. Here's what I came up with

I gather the menu defaults to the left and there's some trick involving auto margins to get in centred. How on earth do I do that?

Try this code for menu:

    left:50%;                /* The box will start at center of screen*/
    width: 600px;         /* from center it will go for example 600 px, play with this to adjust it to your menu, set the border as 1px to see exactly where your menu ends, then put that widthand remove border */
    margin-left:-300px;  /* this will move your menu left, value must be a half of width above - 300px and that will make it centered*/

p.s.: the pic you attached is not the demo  :-D


Thanks. I'll have a play with that tomorrow.

The picture I put earlier is a drawing from a book I'm writing. I didn't have photos on that computer.

Thanks. I have it looking pretty darned good now: [url removed by admin, not WB anymore]

I need to work on consistency of the slide-shows but the template is fantastic now.


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