WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Admin Template "Birdie" for WB 2.8
All WB backend templates are blue...
All WB backend templates?!?
I've created a light green backend template. See the screenshots to get a first impression.
Things to mention:
* AccessKey-Pad included (but only links to "Home", "View", "Help" and "Logout" for different reasons)
* Tested with FF 3.0, IE 5.5 - 8 - some unresolved issues with IE 5.5 and IE 6 (reported by "dbs", see below), but you really should not use such old software ;)
* Uses CSS-floats and other CSS tricks that may not work on any (old) browser.
* Uses "Fieldsets" and "Labels" on most forms.
* 0.3: New - Customizable colors (edit custom.css to fit your needs)
* 0.4: Some layout corrections
* 0.5: Layout corrections on Login and Forgot Password page
* 0.6: Fixed an issue with IE 6, but there are still problems with old versions of IE (old means < IE7) I am not going to fix
Take it or leave it. ;)
See below for an additional download to change colors to orange. You can use the additional ZIP to learn how to change the colors.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
du bist eine - gleich mit nem eigenen theme am start!
gerade getestet und für richtig gut befunden - da ich grün auf einigen seiten als CI pflichtfarbe hab wird das bald produktiv laufen... :-D
vielen dank & thumbs up!
looks nice :)
It would be nice to have one backend theme to be able to change the background color, based on the frontend site colors :)
--- Quote from: crnogorac081 on August 19, 2009, 11:04:07 PM ---It would be nice to have one backend theme to be able to change the background color, based on the frontend site colors :)
--- End quote ---
Hm... You mean use the frontend colors automagically? Don't see how...
But it should be easy enough to change the colors to your needs. :roll:
Well, this is a subject for WB3, I think. Also, backend modules should fit in seamlessly (most don't). We'll see...
Edit: As a matter of fact, I thought about creating some "Skins" (different colors) for this theme. If you have color proposals, please let me know.
Not realy, nothing cross my mint at moment for colors, but it would be nice to have one css file where you could play with colors for backend..if it is possible of course :) like it is for frontend..
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