WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Change menu title but keep url?
Is it possible to change the menu title of an item, but keep the url?
Renaming the menu items for clarity or brevity is something I'd like to do, but I need to keep the URL of the page.
Right now the URL changes whenever I change the menu title, which is a no-go in my opinion.
So I'm stuck with my current menu names, unless I break incoming links? :cry:
kind regards,
Only other way within WB is changing the "old" page to a menulink linking to the new page and setting that "old" page to visibility hidden so it doesn't turn up in the menu.
If you have more access tot he server cand can use .htaccess files for rewriting "old" urls to new urls you might do that.
Thats a pity, it would be really great if page titles could be changed without affecting the url (for example by creating a separate entry field for the page file name).
Might it be possible to add this feature with an addon? Or is this too deep in the bowels of WB to change?
Kind regards,
There was a treat about this a little while ago. Was about SEO I think to remember... If I find it I giuve the url to you, otherwise try searching for your own.
CU Moritz
--- Quote from: radeldudel on July 28, 2009, 11:13:47 AM ---Right now the URL changes whenever I change the menu title, which is a no-go in my opinion.
--- End quote ---
That's right.
This is the only thing still sucks in WB CMS for SEO reasons.
However, there is another (unfortunatly hardcoded) solution you may apply to your template.
It is not really handy in general but it may help you in your case:,10062.msg86144.html#msg86144
Unfortunatly it's in german - if you need help, just let me know here.
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