WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
2.8 RC1 menu issue
I upgraded the test version of my site from 2.7 to 2.8 RC1 following the instructions on upgrading. I found the following immediate problem:
I am using the template "WebsiteBaker Rockt". In 2.7 I have a horizontal main menu and a column on the left side shows the sub menu items of the main menu items selected at any time. After the upgrade the column on the left side shows all of the level one sub menu items across all the main menu items (see attached picture).
Is this a template problem or a 2.8 problem? I noticed that the code snippet show_menu2 was upgraded in the process.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
based o this discussion starting here:,2584.msg82237.html#msg82237
the handling of hidden pages in show_menu2 was accepted as bug ind fixed in version 4.8 wich now is part of WB 2.8.
If you follow the discussion not all users means that the old way of handling hidden pages was a bug, they used this "bug" for their menu and now have to adapt their menu call.
You are the second one wich has issues with WB_rockt template. Please ask the developper of this templete that he should fix his template.
Thanks for your suggestion, Matthias.
I found that the cause of the problem was not in hidden menu items but rather in a missing parameter in WB_Rockt on a call to show_menu2(). In index.php of WB_Rockt this call:
show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_CURR+1, '<li class=....');
must be changed to:
show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_CURR+1, SM2_TRIM, '<li class=....');
The SM2_TRIM parameter seems to solve the issue.
Why it worked in previous version and not in the current one is unclear to me but anyway WB_rockt doesn't comply with the show_menu2() documentation.
I have attached a version of the WB_Rockt index.php with the correction but I am not sure what the procedure is for having it included in the WB-Rockt download package.
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
I have just finished the template in version 1.1.
show_menu for the left (sub)menu is fixed.
And I have corrected the typing error in the header.
A blank header image is also in the zip-file.
I would be glad if you add the revised template in the template gallery.
Thank you very much
[gelöscht durch Administrator]
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