WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Menu problem!

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What adds to the difficulty is the fact that your menu items have different backgrounds, not only for active and normal status, but also for beginning and end of the menu. In this picture I have shown some of the situations that you'll need to provide for, but there are more options. I think you'll need at least 8 different situtions that you need to style. You'd better switch to another type of menu, with rectangular tabs instead of the dashed 3D ones. Or if you can live with a fixed menu, create a fixed one with the tabs you need, and use CSS to style the tab links instead of the tabs themselves. Much easier!  :-D

Or if you really need this menu, inclusing the active status, but a fixed menu is okay, you could use an external  menu. Lots of CSS and DHTML examples to be found on the web! Then you don't have to bother with the menu generating function of WB.

[gelöscht durch Administrator]

Take a look here:


--- Quote from: Argos on July 22, 2009, 10:34:26 PM ---Or if you really need this menu, inclusing the active status, but a fixed menu is okay, you could use an external  menu. Lots of CSS and DHTML examples to be found on the web! Then you don't have to bother with the menu generating function of WB.

--- End quote ---

The problem is that my client wants that menu :lol: and it shouldn't be fixed (that would be easy to do), because the client wants the button is flexible/adjustable, so if you have longer word in link, it works as well.

P.S. --> thanks for the link man, i'll try that :-D


--- Quote from: Housy on July 22, 2009, 10:51:50 PM ---The problem is that my client wants that menu :lol: and it shouldn't be fixed (that would be easy to do), because the client wants the button is flexible/adjustable, so if you have longer word in link, it works as well.

--- End quote ---

Sorry, I said fixed, but I meant static. So the menu is not generated by WB. Of course the tabs can stretch with the content, that is no problem.

I'm really desperate you know, cause the guy who draw everything in photoshop, he put the whole menu in one layer, so i really dont know what to do.

Cause here on CSSplay he uses one image, what is absolutely correct, so when you go over the link or click on it, you don't have preload issues (talking if you have images seperated). I'm not quite sure how should i deal with my problem. Probably i'll have to say to the Photoshop guy that i need each button (normal, active and the last one seperated, each one on their own layer), cause if you noticed my links has shadows as well.

Do you think it is possible to do that with the slicing that you have shown on the image in the previous post? or do i need every single button seperated and i put them together like this




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