WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design
Menu problem!
If bottom menu is not part of (parent) the top one, then you need to enable multiple menu in admin/ settings / advanced settings:
More info can be found here:
Also about multilanguage site, you can see more info here:
There are several more solutions how to create multilanguage site, just search the forum..
If your menus are static and don't need to be generated by WB, than you can use just the code you entered. Sometimes that's easier than going the dynamic way. It's often more easy to style anyway.
I wonder about the <b class=blabla> tags though... Why do you use b tags instead of div or span?
--- Quote from: Argos on July 24, 2009, 07:12:44 PM ---If your menus are static and don't need to be generated by WB, than you can use just the code you entered. Sometimes that's easier than going the dynamic way. It's often more easy to style anyway.
I wonder about the <b class=blabla> tags though... Why do you use b tags instead of div or span?
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Yeah i'll do it static way, but i have a question here, i don't really understand how do you change the language (the text inside links, if you know what i mean), if menus aren't generated by WB, cause if they are generated by WB, text inside links is changed to other languages automaticaly. Cause if i leave it static way and click on german language for example, menus/links will still be in the english language. I don't really understand, but i'll search through the forum and if i won't find anything useful, i'll be back :-D
Why b tags? To be honest, i don't know, i just followed the code from the link and i just modified the css file. But i agree with you, span would be better in this case. But the most important thing is, that works perfect and even with b tag :-)
P.S. --> if static way, i'd probably have to check with if statement for example if(german) echo "menu with german text" and so on? Or am i wrong?
Thank you both,
--- Quote from: Housy on July 24, 2009, 07:36:24 PM --- i don't really understand how do you change the language (the text inside links, if you know what i mean), if menus aren't generated by WB, cause if they are generated by WB, text inside links is changed to other languages automaticaly. Cause if i leave it static way and click on german language for example, menus/links will still be in the english language.
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The multilanguage capabilities of WB are not very sophisticated. In fact, you just create different pages for each language, so you end up with mirror sites within the main site. For each page within a certain mirror site you set the language. So if your main site is English, and you have a mirror site in French, you set the language for each page within the French section to French (in the page settings). Because each page has its own menu title, you don't have to work with IF THEN constructions. You just create a menu for each language section. It's most practical to use dedicated templates for each language section as well. But check out the support info about it, as crnogorac081 mentioned.
--- Quote from: Argos on July 24, 2009, 08:03:52 PM ---
--- Quote from: Housy on July 24, 2009, 07:36:24 PM --- i don't really understand how do you change the language (the text inside links, if you know what i mean), if menus aren't generated by WB, cause if they are generated by WB, text inside links is changed to other languages automaticaly. Cause if i leave it static way and click on german language for example, menus/links will still be in the english language.
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The multilanguage capabilities of WB are not very sophisticated. In fact, you just create different pages for each language, so you end up with mirror sites within the main site. For each page within a certain mirror site you set the language. So if your main site is English, and you have a mirror site in French, you set the language for each page within the French section to French (in the page settings). Because each page has its own menu title, you don't have to work with IF THEN constructions. You just create a menu for each language section. It's most practical to use dedicated templates for each language section as well. But check out the support info about it, as crnogorac081 mentioned.
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If i understand you correctly, i should do 2 templates for example and i would put every link manualy in each template, like for example:
English template
--- Code: ---<ul>
<li><a href="http:/">Home</a></li>
--- End code ---
German template
--- Code: ---<ul>
<li><a href="http:/">Startseite</a></li>
--- End code ---
And then when i add a new page in each language, i always choose the right template for it and add links in both templates manually?
Is that the right way? So i must create and install 2 different templates?
Thank you,
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