WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Inserting Headers in Menu

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Hi Bakers,

I would like to break up my menu list (showmenu2) with Text Headers. Is there a way to create these without having to use a bunch of multi menus?



make the text headers as parent pages and the other pages as subpages. Use the conditions of show_menu2 (look in readme.txt) to make the parent not as link and style them in your css.


Thanks Matthias,

I know there was a way...

The current menu I have displays from the first sub-page down. I would like to have just the first sub-pages be the header text and anything below them be links.

You wouldn't happen to have any examples of how I would use conditions to do this?

OK, got it figured out! Thanks again!



would you share your solution with the community?

Regards Bernd

Here is what I did. I am using a mod version of the Multiflex-3 template. The Multiflex-3 template uses multi menus and <dl> for the side menus.

My top nav (showmenu2 (0)) bar opens with only root menus. The side nav (showmenu2 (1))opens from first sub-menu down with the fist sub-menu being the header text.

It is important to note that if you have sub-menu items, the first sub-menu will be non-linking text (header text).

Menu level <= 1 becomes the header text wrapped in an unordered list for styling.

index.php template file:

--- Code: ---<dl class="nav3-bullet">


show_menu2(1, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_ALL, SM2_TRIM,&#39;

--- End code ---

Hope this helps!


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