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JamaicaPromote New site

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Hi, i'm new to website baker and this is my first time using the program to do a site.. i love the simplicity of the program and hopefully you guys/gals will like what i came up with. thanks

www.jamaicapromote. net

( i designed/developed the site yesterday so the content is very minimal)

looks good but your site is falling apart, especiallay on the home page and I noticed that you haven't a link to website baker on your template.

What do you mean falling apart? i designed it..set it up now i have the client adding pages and running it.. please explain the falling apart section.. thanks.

and i will put a link to wb on there! ;)

oh wow i just took a look at the site... now i know what ur talking about... if he keeps this up i cant put this in my portfolio :( ..

Welcome to the wonderful world of content management systems where clients never follow instructions. :-)

First off, very attractive design. But, besides the exploding table on the home page there are a few of other details you might want to attend to.

On your text based pages like Artist and Be a DJ, it would look much better to have a bit of a margin on the left so that the text doesn't slam against the navigation column.

Also, on your templates, where you insert the tags for style sheet links, you might want to take out the trailing slashes.  You have media="screen" /> and media="print" /> Those only belong in an xhtml template not what you've created. Just take the / out of the template tag so the WB builds media="screen"> and media="print">. As some browsers become more strict about document types it might make a difference someday.

A third point is that you've used id="conten" twice in your code. By definition, id is reserved for unique elements on a page. If you want to use it more than once, it should properly be class. It probably won't make any difference unless you try to apply DOM based JavaScript to your pages. That sort of thing is easy to overlook if you insert id's into repeating elements in a news page.


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