WebsiteBaker Support (2.8.x) > Templates, Menus & Design

Custom menu or excluding menu items


Hi everyone,

i have asked the following question alsi in my own language, but want to ask in English also.

I'm testing a website with multiple languages.
At the moment it's just Spanish / English.
I have installed the Matrix module, show_menu2 and i still haven't got the results i want to have.
Th estucture of the main menu is:

#   English
    *   Home
    *   News
    *   Biography
    *   Multimedia
          o   Photos
          o   Videos
    *   Forum
    *   Links
    *   Contact

#   Español
    *   Inicio
    *   Noticias
    *   Biografía
    *   Multimedia
          o   Fotos
          o   Vídeos
    *   Foro
    *   Liens
    *   Contacto

I want to add the menu structure as my main menu on the website.
For the language switch i used this tag: <?php language_menu(); ?>
And for the main menu i used:  <?php show_menu2(); ?>
All is shown correctly and works properly.
Only, i do not want to have that the menu items English and Español are shown in the menu.
I only want Home, Biography, News, Links, Contact etc and of course it's sub items Photo and Video.
Is it possible to exclude those two items (English, Español)
Because i see more WB websites with multi language content and menus, but without menu items like English, Spanish etc

As you can see in the menu structure above, i also have some sub menu items, Photos and Videos.
Is it possible to get the menu work, when you make a hover, that the sub level / sub lists popup in a drop-down menu? I can't find topics which explains this.

Hope someone is willing to help me out of this.

Thank you


I removed your double post in the NL area. Both Forums will be answered by the same people, actually the english one will get more atention. For the future, please do not double post.

Please also consult the Forum Terms & Conditions



i was afraid that it would happen.
No problem adn won't do it again. Thanks


Hello Dave

As i'm not a master of show_menu2 functionality at all, but as far as i remember
you can handle this via "SM2_ROOT" plus the additional start-level (+1, +2, whatever) ...

--- Code: ---<?php

show_menu2( 0, SM2_ROOT+1, SM2_START, SM2_TRIM|SM2_PRETTY);
// or ...
show_menu2( 1, SM2_ROOT+2, SM2_ALL, SM2_TRIM|SM2_PRETTY);


--- End code ---



Thank you aldus for your help.
Your tip has brought me to some very nice tutorials which gave me some solutions.
I have tested some variables and i am using this code right now:

--- Code: ---<?php show_menu(1, 1, 1, false, &#39;<li><span> [a][menu_title]</a></span>&#39;); ?>
--- End code ---

My menu is three levels deep. With this code it hides the first level, which is English and Español.
So the main menu is based on the second level. Also it handels that my third level is visible, but i have to style it with CSS to make the third level behave as a drop-down menu.
The 'false' is to act for the language appearance. So If you're on the english page, that the spanish menu isn't visible.
When you switch to another language, the translated menu will be visible. That's what the false stand for in the menu tag. The other variables, li, span allows me to make it a decent list menu and that i can style it as i want it.

So, thank you for pointing me to those websites.



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